Our Need for Good

After necessarily deconstructing Christianity that’s based on biblical inerrancy, Divine wrath, and exclusion in Jesus’ name, people often find themselves asking, “Why should I be Christian?” This important question comes from a place that is much deeper than cynicism. It’s an honest question. Why—if the Bible isn’t inerrant, God is love, and Jesus’ table is open to every person—should anyone identify as a Christian today, in 2023? This sermon series will explore non-violent and non-dominion reasons for being deeply, yet humbly Christian, today.

Abundant Goodness, Galatians 6:1-10

This sermon series explores an ancient letter that remains relevant for Christians today, who like the Galatians, come to realize that their Christianity is not actually representative of Jesus’ good news to the world. The apostle Paul is indignant with the churches in Galatia because they have turned from a gospel of grace to a gospel of works. According to Paul, this means that the Galatians have forsaken good news and replaced it with bad news. He therefore writes a letter to remind the Galatians about the good news of Jesus and to compel them to return to a gospel of grace. This series therefore intends to do the same: to remind us that Jesus’ gospel is deeply good, and to compel us to live abundant lives enveloped and animated by glorious grace.