Education Opportunities

At Pearl we encourage deep thought, honest questions, and a posture of humility. We believe that a willingness to grow, rethink, and enter more deeply into mystery and complexity is central to our ongoing transformation. Our educational events provide a forum for exploring faith, culture, and ideas with a focus beyond what we can provide on Sunday mornings.

Reconstructing Christian Faith

Many people who find themselves at Pearl have either begun or are in the process of deconstructing harmful, Christian faith. Yet, what is good Christian faith? This is an important question for anyone hoping to live life beyond the dismantling stage of deconstruction. The aim of this class is to establish a foundation for Christian faith that can honestly and reasonably be called “good.” Over the course of each year we make this six-session offering available as a weekly class during the fall and as a weekend retreat in winter. To ensure space for dialogue, each offering has space for 8 to 12 participants. Interested or have questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

  • Session One, Gospel as Good News

  • Session Two, Part I: Formation, Accommodation and Inspiration

  • Session Three, Bible, Part II: Books, Sections, and Trajectory

  • Session Four, Salvation and Atonement

  • Session Five, The Afterlife

  • Session Six, Being Christian

Catechesis Class

Catechesis is an old word that refers to an ancient idea: being shaped by religious instruction. Our hope for this class is to provide non-violent and non-dominion Christian instruction that’s accessible for both teenagers and adults. Furthermore, our hope for this class is to encourage a Christianity that’s capable of grounding us, inspiring us, and leading us more deeply into lives that flourish. Each class will cover relevant content and engaging practices that help to give Christian shape to our lives. We offer this class annually on evenings during Lent, and as an annual weekend retreat. Interested or have questions? Contact Pastor Ben.

  • Living the Bible, Inspiration 

  • Living the Incarnation, Union

  • Living the Atonement, Repair

  • Living the Resurrection, Wholeness

  • Living the Trinity, Community

  • Living the Way, Practices

Educational Evenings

During the school year we offer quarterly Educational Evenings. These events are opportunities to discuss practical, theological, and biblical topics. Each 90-minute seminar is followed by time to gather and share in conversation. As it becomes available, more information on upcoming Educational Evenings can be found in Events or by signing up for our weekly newsletter.

Past seminars have explored: Contemplative Prayer; Trauma-Informed Care; Perspectives on Hell and Universalism; Modern Christian Marriage and Relationships; Accommodation & Trajectory in the Bible, and more.

Book Groups

One Sunday every couple months, following the service, Pastor Mike leads a book discussion. A book is selected in advance and participants gather to discuss how to understand and be shaped by what book selection has to offer. More information on upcoming book discussions can be found in Events or by signing up for our weekly newsletter.

Upcoming Events