
Sacred Story. Common Table. Divine Love.

Pearl Church exists to express a sacred story and to extend a common table that animate life by divine love.

Our Rhythms*

Rather than dogma insisting on the affirmation of particular beliefs in order to be Christian, we cultivate rhythms that accord with Jesus’ ancient invitation to follow in his way of being. Our emphasis on being as opposed to assenting situates our community in the activities of Jesus’ life. 

The rhythms we are cultivating include:

  • Being shaped by a sacred story: The scriptures tell a story about a benevolent Creator who is wooing creation out of chaos and into abounding life. According to this story, this generous and self-giving Creator is embodied in Jesus, whose life, death, and resurrection reveal the way of God’s lovingkindness in the world. As a community rooted in Christianity, this sacred story casts our vision—it shapes our language, orients our hearts, and directs the ways that we mark our days and live out our lives here on earth.

  • Sharing together at a common table: Near the pinnacle of our sacred story is a scene in which Jesus gathers his disciples around a table. At this table are both followers and betrayers, yet Jesus shares a meal with them all. He breaks bread and pours wine and says, “This is me, for you.” Sharing at a common table reminds us that God sustains everything, includes everyone, and is drawing us all together to feast as one. It facilitates a way of living that recognizes God’s sustenance, makes room for others, and urges us toward generosity and self-giving.

  • Being animated by divine love: Shaped by a sacred story and sharing at a common table, we are awakening to God, who is love. As we awaken to divine love, we grow and are transformed—for this love evokes human flourishing. Love frees us to create, to forgive, and to participate in the sacred work of cultivating life in this world. Love animates generous living, proclaims news that is truly good, and culminates in God’s dream of peace in a world integrated by divine love.

*Our Christian posture is not set against or above other disciplines. We highly regard every medium—religious traditions, the arts, science, psychology, philosophy, etc.—that evokes human flourishing. We are therefore informed by these other expressions and we make meaningful connections to them while being intentional to remain deeply, yet humbly, Christian.

Learn more about our Rhythms

On his podcast “Beautiful Tension,” Pearl member Gary Conachan interviewed Pastor Mike Roth about our move away from dogma toward rhythms and radical inclusivity. This episode gives an overview of Pearl’s history and is a great way to learn more about our community!