Pie Bake Off (POSTPONED)
7:00 PM19:00

Pie Bake Off (POSTPONED)

This event is postponed—we will reschedule in the spring!

Ecotrust, Church Office

Calling all Pearl Bakers—and everyone who enjoys pies of all kinds—join us for our Pie Bake Off! What’s better than pie with friends on a cold winter night? This will be a fun evening of community and friendly rivalry. Everyone who wants to enter can bring along a home-made pie, sweet or savory. After getting a chance to sample, we’ll vote for our favorites and see whose pies triumph!

Whether you plan to bake or just eat, please RSVP below.

Pie Bake-off Rules:

  • To enter the bake-off, pies must be made by you, not store-bought. (Store-bought crust or components are okay, but you have to bring it all together!)

  • Pies may be sweet (fruit, cream-based, meringues, custards) or savory (meat or vegetable).

  • We’ll be loose on the definition of “pie” but there must be some kind of pastry shell/case with some kind of filling! (Tarts, hand pies, one or two crusts—all are welcome!)

  • You can enter one pie in each category (sweet or savory).

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Church Potluck: Feast of Family Favorites!
11:00 AM11:00

Church Potluck: Feast of Family Favorites!

One service at 10:00am, potluck to follow

In the dark, cold days of winter, it’s time for another popular Pearl potluck! Join us on Sunday, March 2 following the service for a Pre-Lent ‘Feast of Family Favorites.’ Consider sharing that chili your grandpa always made, pick up mom‘s favorite salad from the deli, bring the cookies your aunt brought to every family reunion, or contribute any other food that represents good family memories to you. The opportunity to sign up will be coming soon.

Questions? Contact Beth Fry.

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Ash Wednesday Service
7:00 PM19:00

Ash Wednesday Service

Lent is an ancient Christian tradition, a season during which we participate intentionally in the Christian mystery of atonement. Atonement is a theological word that points us to all of the mysterious ways that God restores relationship with ourselves, one another, and God’s own self.

Everyone is invited to join us for a special Ash Wednesday service, which inaugurates the Season of Lent by the imposition of ashes, in the form of a cross. During this quiet, meditative service, we create space to ponder the invitation of Divine Love to return home, to embrace our lives, and to seek restoration.

Youth are invited to participate in the corporate service. Childcare will be available for children 1-11 years of age.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our March meeting, please RSVP.

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Catechesis Class
7:00 PM19:00

Catechesis Class

Thursdays throughout Lent, 7-8:30pm

Catechesis is an old word that refers to an ancient idea: being shaped by religious instruction. Our hope for this class is to provide non-violent and non-dominion Christian instruction that’s accessible for both teenagers and adults. Furthermore, our hope for this class is to encourage a Christianity that’s capable of grounding us, inspiring us, and leading us more deeply into lives that flourish. Each class will cover relevant content and engaging practices that help to give Christian shape to our lives:

  • 3/13, Living the Bible, Inspiration 

  • 3/20, Living Incarnation, Union

  • 3/27, Living Atonement, Repair

  • 4/3, Living Resurrection, Wholeness

  • 4/10, Living Trinity, Community

  • 4/17, Living the Way, Practices

Lent is a church season during which we’re invited to slow, to simplify, and to deepen. You’re warmly invited to join us for Catechesis During Lent. Signups will open in Winter. Interested, or have questions? Please contact Pastor Ben.

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Book Discussion: Deviced!
11:45 AM11:45

Book Discussion: Deviced!

Even before the pandemic, many of us were trying to discern a healthy relationship with our devices. Then the pandemic happened and we, and our children, were thrust into increased device usage. As we move past the pandemic many of us are asking, "What does a healthy relationship with our devices look like?""How do we engage our kids in their device usage?" In Deviced, Dr. Doreen Dodgen-Magee provides a well researched and compelling case for learning how to integrate technology wisely into our lives.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Discussion: Our Relationships with Devices
7:00 PM19:00

Discussion: Our Relationships with Devices

Do you wrestle with device usage? Are you curious about recalibrating device usage, post-covid? Do you wonder how to engage your kids and youth in their device usage? Dr. Doreen Dodgen-Magee is a psychologist, speaker, and author who is passionate about people living wild, embodied, fiery lives… even with their devices in their hands. Her research focuses on the cost of our over-use of technology on our brains, bodies, souls, and relationships. We’re thrilled to have Doreen help us to wisely navigate our devices. Bring your thoughts and questions, and consider reading Doreen's book, Deviced!, prior to this educational offering.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our April meeting, please RSVP.

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7:00 PM19:00

Good Friday Service

Throughout the ages, mystics and theologians have pointed to the image of Christ crucified and declared: This is the image of God. The Divine suffering, the Divine broken, the Divine self-giving, the Divine with us in our deaths. You are invited to join us for this special service as we ponder this God who is known most truly in vulnerability and solidarity.

This special service will follow a tenebrae format, as we slowly extinguish candles while descending with Jesus into the darkness of Good Friday. Childcare will be offered for children through 5th grade; youth are encouraged to attend the service with their families.

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9:15 AM09:15

Flowering the Cross on Easter Sunday

As you arrive for Easter on Sunday, April 20, there will be a flowering cross as you enter our space. We invite you to bring freshly cut flowers to place on this cross but we’ll have extra flowers in case you’re unable. The contrast between the barren altar that you have observed throughout Lent and the living flowering cross that you will see as you enter into church for worship will be a welcome sight that helps to prepare our hearts for celebrating new and abundant life in Christ.

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11:45 AM11:45

Kids' Easter Egg Hunt

“Here comes Peter Cottontail hopping down the bunny trail. Hippity Hoppity Easter’s on it way!” Join us Easter Sunday, April 20, at Pearl Church for an all-ages Easter egg hunt between the two services. We will begin as soon as the first service ends, around 11:45am. We’re so excited to have you join us for some Easter fun!

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Youth Summer Camp
to Jul 10

Youth Summer Camp

Cascade Church, Pearl Church, Wayside Friends, and North Valley Friends are teaming up this summer to offer a Jesus-Centered camping experience for 6th-12th grade students! This year our theme will be Pixar, and each cabin will represent a different Pixar movie.

Cost is $375 (for early registration) per student, and increases to $390 after June 2nd.
You can register at this link.
Questions? Contact Kylie Marble.

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Educational Evening: The Evolution of Satan
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: The Evolution of Satan

The Devil—who is called by many names in scripture and culture—takes on many forms and holds many roles within Christian perspective. But who is the devil? What does the devil do? And, where did the devil come from? This class will pay particular attention to the evolution of the devil in Christian consciousness. It will also consider the contextual situation from which ideology about the devil rose. Finally, this class will consider the rhetorical function of the devil, pondering its value and role in Christian life, today. Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Welcoming Newcomers
10:00 AM10:00

Welcoming Newcomers

If you're new(er) to Pearl, you're invited to a casual reception following Sunday’s service where you'll have an opportunity to meet some of Pearl’s core members, ministry leaders, home group leaders, oversight team, and staff. We would love to meet and warmly welcome you to our Pearl community. You’re invited to pop in between our two services (starting about 10:00) for light refreshments and casual conversation.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our February meeting, please RSVP.

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LGBTQIA+ Connection: Trivia Night!
6:30 PM18:30

LGBTQIA+ Connection: Trivia Night!

All of our LGBTQIA+ community is invited for a fun evening of getting to know each other as we play a game of trivia! We’ll split into teams and see who knows the most useless (useful?) facts! Pub-style snacks will be provided. You are welcome to bring a snack or beverages to share if you like.

We’ll gather at Tyler Pace and Connor McCroskey’s home in Vancouver. RSVP to get the address!

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Reconstructing Christian Faith Retreat (FULL)
to Feb 9

Reconstructing Christian Faith Retreat (FULL)

This retreat is full. We will offer this content again as a class next fall, and a retreat in 2026.

Many people who find themselves at Pearl have either begun or are in the process of deconstructing harmful Christian faith. Yet, what is good Christian faith? To help thoughtfully answer this important question, you’re warmly invited to participate in a special weekend retreat at the coast, filled with meaningful content and community engagement. To ensure that there’s space for dialogue, we’re capping this offering at eight people. Signups are open now.

By way of content, here are the topics we’ll cover:

  • Session One, Gospel as Good News

  • Session Two, Bible, Part I: Formation, Accommodation, & Inspiration

  • Session Three, Bible, Part II: Books, Section, & Trajectory

  • Session Four, Salvation & Atonement

  • Session Five, The Afterlife

  • Session Six, Being Christian

The cost for the weekend will be $150 per person. A $50 deposit per registration is required; this amount is refundable until three weeks before the retreat, January 17. Cancellations later than one week before the retreat, January 31, will incur the full retreat price unless we are able to fill your spot.

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Membership Class
11:45 AM11:45

Membership Class

Membership is for those who appreciate Pearl’s work and desire to more deeply participate. The purpose of membership is to encourage an active engagement between Pearl Church and those who call Pearl “Home.” Membership benefits include an Annual Members’ Meeting, Monthly Updates from the Oversight Team, and intentional engagement regarding the direction of the church. Whether or not you’re interested in membership, the Membership Class is an opportunity to meet with a pastor to hear all about the ins and outs of Pearl Church. Ever wonder about Pearl’s story? Curious about our values? Interested in learning about our dreams for the future? Consider attending the upcoming Membership Class to hear more and to ask any questions that you may have.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Book Discussion: Coming Out as Sacrament
11:45 AM11:45

Book Discussion: Coming Out as Sacrament

Church Office
Gay Christian author and activist Chris Glaser believes that sexual minorities, often denied their churches' traditional sacraments, have found unique access to the sacred in their lives: coming out of the closet. Glaser persuasively argues that coming out—as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender—has biblical precedence and sacramental dimensions. Using personal and biblical illustrations, he discusses coming out as an act of vulnerability, much like a sacrificial offering of ancient times that invokes God's presence. In this engaging book he shows how coming out, like other sacraments, may serve as a means of grace—that is, an experience of God's unconditional love.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Educational Evening: The Enneagram
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: The Enneagram

At Pearl Church, one of our core values is Integration — to discover how, by Divine Love, everything belongs. And yet our personal experience is often of fragmentation and disintegration. The early desert mothers and fathers spoke of nine logosmoi — thoughts or passions that obsess our attention and turn us against the imago dei within us. While one tradition of the church hardened these into seven deadly sins, an older wisdom was preserved in the tradition of the Enneagram, which helps us discern: what questions, passions and even strengths tend to lead me to disintegration, and how does the Gospel bring integration into my particular personality? The Enneagram explores how we are each invited to relax into a whole, integrated self. In this workshop, we’ll explore the history and use of the Enneagram, get a sense of how it speaks to us personally, and discuss particular practices that help each personality move toward integration with God. Facilitated by Pastor Ben Conachan. Question? Email Pastor Ben.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our January meeting, please RSVP.

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Christmas Eve Services
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Eve Services

Two Services: 5:00 & 6:30pm

Everyone is invited to join in the celebration on Christmas Eve! We’ll sing Christmas songs and read Christmas stories and listen to a Christmas homily about Divine Light shining in the darkness. We’ll even light Christmas candles as a reminder that light truly does cast out all that is dark. Consider inviting family and friends to this special service. Please note: both services will be identical. The only difference is that the 5pm service will be the only service with toddler, preschool, and elementary offerings.

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Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal
11:45 AM11:45

Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal

Do you enjoy singing? Come lend your voice in our Christmas Eve Choir. No audition necessary. All are welcome to join. Rehearsals will be held Dec 15 and Dec 22 from 11:45 - 1:00. Attendance at both rehearsals is strongly encouraged; attendance at one rehearsal is required. The choir will be singing on Tuesday Evening, December 24 at both the 5:00pm and 6:30pm Christmas Eve Services. To sign up, please contact Brian Cheney at brianc@pearlchurch.org.

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Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal
11:45 AM11:45

Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal

Do you enjoy singing? Come lend your voice in our Christmas Eve Choir. No audition necessary. All are welcome to join. Rehearsals will be held Dec 15 and Dec 22 from 11:45 - 1:00. Attendance at both rehearsals is strongly encouraged; attendance at one rehearsal is required. The choir will be singing on Tuesday Evening, December 24 at both the 5:00pm and 6:30pm Christmas Eve Services. To sign up, please contact Brian Cheney at brianc@pearlchurch.org.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our December meeting, please RSVP.

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Advent Brunch Potluck & One Service
10:00 AM10:00

Advent Brunch Potluck & One Service

Join us on December 8, the Second Sunday of Advent, for our next all-church potluck! The theme this time is everyone’s favorite—BRUNCH! We will have one church service at 10:00am, all together. (Kids and youth will start the service in their programs to make more room to seat all our adults.) Then, following the service we’ll flip the room for our potluck! Everyone is welcome to join us and encouraged to bring a dish to share. You can sign up in the church lobby after services, or you can email bethf@pearlchurch.org to let us know you’re planning to join and what you'd like to bring.

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Advent Mini-Retreat (CANCELLED)
9:00 AM09:00

Advent Mini-Retreat (CANCELLED)

This event has been cancelled.

Please join us for this opportunity to slow down and enjoy contemplative space in community this Advent season, facilitated by Pastor Ben Conachan. The weeks leading up to Christmas can be so full of activity, family, parties—and stress! This year, especially, many of us are holding a complicated mix of emotions—the hope, peace, joy and love of the holiday season along with despair, distress, sorrow and fear that can be overwhelming. This Advent mini-retreat aims to be a pause, to normalize our many feelings and to hold them with kindness and self-compassion in Divine Love. This is also a wonderful opportunity to get to know others more deeply at Pearl Church in a more intimate setting.

Questions? Please contact Ben Conachan.

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Love Languages, Intentionality in Loving your Partner
7:00 PM19:00

Love Languages, Intentionality in Loving your Partner

Church Office

You are invited to take an evening to pause from the hustle and bustle of life, to focus on a very precious relationship—the one that you have with your partner. In this offering we will consider practical ways of loving and our propensity to love others as we want to be loved. After considering intentional ways to love ourselves we will then turn toward our partners to consider meaningful expressions of love, unique to them.

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Membership Class
11:45 AM11:45

Membership Class

Membership is for those who appreciate Pearl’s work and desire to more deeply participate. The purpose of membership is to encourage an active engagement between Pearl Church and those who call Pearl “Home.” Membership benefits include an Annual Members’ Meeting, Monthly Updates from the Oversight Team, and intentional engagement regarding the direction of the church. Whether or not you’re interested in membership, the Membership Class is an opportunity to meet with a pastor to hear all about the ins and outs of Pearl Church. Ever wonder about Pearl’s story? Curious about our values? Interested in learning about our dreams for the future? Consider attending the upcoming Membership Class to hear more and to ask any questions that you may have.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Political Bridge Building: Preparing for the Holidays
9:00 AM09:00

Political Bridge Building: Preparing for the Holidays

Church Office, during first service

Dreading conversational awkwardness with family as a result of the election? You're not alone! Join Abby Coppock for camaraderie and creative inspiration as we generate some practical ideas and explore these questions together:

  • How have the election results impacted your heart and mind about being a political bridge builder?

  • How would you characterize the current state of your relationships and how might that inform your next step? (hint: building relational trust around non-political topics might be where you're at)

  • What are some good questions to ask around the dinner table that range from safe bets, to being vulnerable ourselves, to staying curious about their views and experience? 

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Educational Evening: Sex Ed 2.0
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: Sex Ed 2.0

Sex Ed 2.0: Unpacking Recent Language Around Attraction & Gender Identity
Church Office

This education night will focus on exploration of LGBTQIA+ and associated terms, definitions, and emerging research. This will set the foundation for brief discussion on recent topics of inclusion and advocacy. The conversation will emphasize intersectionality while also highlighting those of particularly suppressed experience. Open exploration will allow attendees to practice using language that is inclusive of everyone, as well as navigating compassion for different levels of learning and development within a community. Facilitated by Pearl Member Hanson Kriegel (they/them) who is a joyful creative, lover of frogs, and longtime community advocate with a Master’s in Social Work, working with trauma, queer, developmental disability, and chronic illness populations.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our November meeting, please RSVP.

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Book Discussion: Good Inside
11:45 AM11:45

Book Discussion: Good Inside

Good Inside, A Guide To Becoming The Parent You Want To Be
Church Office

This book is for any parent who has ever struggled under the substantial weight of caregiving—which is to say, all of us. Good Inside is not only a wise and practical guide to raising resilient, emotionally healthy kids, it’s also a supportive resource for parents intent on raising kids with non-violent and non-dominion values. Dr. Becky is a bright, thoughtful, and in-the-trenches parenting resource with valuable insights.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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