Filtering by: Education
Discussion: Our Relationships with Devices
7:00 PM19:00

Discussion: Our Relationships with Devices

Do you wrestle with device usage? Are you curious about recalibrating device usage, post-covid? Do you wonder how to engage your kids and youth in their device usage? Dr. Doreen Dodgen-Magee is a psychologist, speaker, and author who is passionate about people living wild, embodied, fiery lives… even with their devices in their hands. Her research focuses on the cost of our over-use of technology on our brains, bodies, souls, and relationships. We’re thrilled to have Doreen help us to wisely navigate our devices. Bring your thoughts and questions, and consider reading Doreen's book, Deviced!, prior to this educational offering.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Catechesis Class
7:00 PM19:00

Catechesis Class

Thursdays throughout Lent, 7-8:30pm

Catechesis is an old word that refers to an ancient idea: being shaped by religious instruction. Our hope for this class is to provide non-violent and non-dominion Christian instruction that’s accessible for both teenagers and adults. Furthermore, our hope for this class is to encourage a Christianity that’s capable of grounding us, inspiring us, and leading us more deeply into lives that flourish. Each class will cover relevant content and engaging practices that help to give Christian shape to our lives:

  • 3/13, Living the Bible, Inspiration 

  • 3/20, Living Incarnation, Union

  • 3/27, Living Atonement, Repair

  • 4/3, Living Resurrection, Wholeness

  • 4/10, Living Trinity, Community

  • 4/17, Living the Way, Practices

Lent is a church season during which we’re invited to slow, to simplify, and to deepen. You’re warmly invited to join us for Catechesis During Lent. Signups will open in Winter. Interested, or have questions? Please contact Pastor Ben.

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Educational Evening: The Evolution of Satan
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: The Evolution of Satan

The Devil—who is called by many names in scripture and culture—takes on many forms and holds many roles within Christian perspective. But who is the devil? What does the devil do? And, where did the devil come from? This class will pay particular attention to the evolution of the devil in Christian consciousness. It will also consider the contextual situation from which ideology about the devil rose. Finally, this class will consider the rhetorical function of the devil, pondering its value and role in Christian life, today. Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Reconstructing Christian Faith Retreat (FULL)
to Feb 9

Reconstructing Christian Faith Retreat (FULL)

This retreat is full. We will offer this content again as a class next fall, and a retreat in 2026.

Many people who find themselves at Pearl have either begun or are in the process of deconstructing harmful Christian faith. Yet, what is good Christian faith? To help thoughtfully answer this important question, you’re warmly invited to participate in a special weekend retreat at the coast, filled with meaningful content and community engagement. To ensure that there’s space for dialogue, we’re capping this offering at eight people. Signups are open now.

By way of content, here are the topics we’ll cover:

  • Session One, Gospel as Good News

  • Session Two, Bible, Part I: Formation, Accommodation, & Inspiration

  • Session Three, Bible, Part II: Books, Section, & Trajectory

  • Session Four, Salvation & Atonement

  • Session Five, The Afterlife

  • Session Six, Being Christian

The cost for the weekend will be $150 per person. A $50 deposit per registration is required; this amount is refundable until three weeks before the retreat, January 17. Cancellations later than one week before the retreat, January 31, will incur the full retreat price unless we are able to fill your spot.

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Book Discussion: Coming Out as Sacrament
11:45 AM11:45

Book Discussion: Coming Out as Sacrament

Church Office
Gay Christian author and activist Chris Glaser believes that sexual minorities, often denied their churches' traditional sacraments, have found unique access to the sacred in their lives: coming out of the closet. Glaser persuasively argues that coming out—as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender—has biblical precedence and sacramental dimensions. Using personal and biblical illustrations, he discusses coming out as an act of vulnerability, much like a sacrificial offering of ancient times that invokes God's presence. In this engaging book he shows how coming out, like other sacraments, may serve as a means of grace—that is, an experience of God's unconditional love.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Educational Evening: The Enneagram
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: The Enneagram

At Pearl Church, one of our core values is Integration — to discover how, by Divine Love, everything belongs. And yet our personal experience is often of fragmentation and disintegration. The early desert mothers and fathers spoke of nine logosmoi — thoughts or passions that obsess our attention and turn us against the imago dei within us. While one tradition of the church hardened these into seven deadly sins, an older wisdom was preserved in the tradition of the Enneagram, which helps us discern: what questions, passions and even strengths tend to lead me to disintegration, and how does the Gospel bring integration into my particular personality? The Enneagram explores how we are each invited to relax into a whole, integrated self. In this workshop, we’ll explore the history and use of the Enneagram, get a sense of how it speaks to us personally, and discuss particular practices that help each personality move toward integration with God. Facilitated by Pastor Ben Conachan. Question? Email Pastor Ben.

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Love Languages, Intentionality in Loving your Partner
7:00 PM19:00

Love Languages, Intentionality in Loving your Partner

Church Office

You are invited to take an evening to pause from the hustle and bustle of life, to focus on a very precious relationship—the one that you have with your partner. In this offering we will consider practical ways of loving and our propensity to love others as we want to be loved. After considering intentional ways to love ourselves we will then turn toward our partners to consider meaningful expressions of love, unique to them.

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Political Bridge Building: Preparing for the Holidays
9:00 AM09:00

Political Bridge Building: Preparing for the Holidays

Church Office, during first service

Dreading conversational awkwardness with family as a result of the election? You're not alone! Join Abby Coppock for camaraderie and creative inspiration as we generate some practical ideas and explore these questions together:

  • How have the election results impacted your heart and mind about being a political bridge builder?

  • How would you characterize the current state of your relationships and how might that inform your next step? (hint: building relational trust around non-political topics might be where you're at)

  • What are some good questions to ask around the dinner table that range from safe bets, to being vulnerable ourselves, to staying curious about their views and experience? 

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Educational Evening: Sex Ed 2.0
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: Sex Ed 2.0

Sex Ed 2.0: Unpacking Recent Language Around Attraction & Gender Identity
Church Office

This education night will focus on exploration of LGBTQIA+ and associated terms, definitions, and emerging research. This will set the foundation for brief discussion on recent topics of inclusion and advocacy. The conversation will emphasize intersectionality while also highlighting those of particularly suppressed experience. Open exploration will allow attendees to practice using language that is inclusive of everyone, as well as navigating compassion for different levels of learning and development within a community. Facilitated by Pearl Member Hanson Kriegel (they/them) who is a joyful creative, lover of frogs, and longtime community advocate with a Master’s in Social Work, working with trauma, queer, developmental disability, and chronic illness populations.

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Book Discussion: Good Inside
11:45 AM11:45

Book Discussion: Good Inside

Good Inside, A Guide To Becoming The Parent You Want To Be
Church Office

This book is for any parent who has ever struggled under the substantial weight of caregiving—which is to say, all of us. Good Inside is not only a wise and practical guide to raising resilient, emotionally healthy kids, it’s also a supportive resource for parents intent on raising kids with non-violent and non-dominion values. Dr. Becky is a bright, thoughtful, and in-the-trenches parenting resource with valuable insights.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Sexual Health & Wellbeing
11:45 AM11:45

Sexual Health & Wellbeing

This educational offering intends to provide information on repairing, rethinking, and rebuilding a healthier sexuality. It’s geared toward adults of all ages who are single, partnered, or married. If you have questions about sexual ethics and healthy sexuality, or if you have felt ashamed, confused, or traumatized by sexuality and sexual experiences, this offering is for you. This class will provide an introduction to deconstructing your sexual past, tools to begin the repair process, and thoughts on reconstructing sexuality in a new framework, which will include biblical and theological perspective. You can attend without talking and if you’re triggered, you’ll be encouraged to practice self-care. Led by Pearl Member and licensed therapist, Valinda Harlan, and supported by Pastor Mike.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Non-Dominion & Non-Violent Parenting
7:00 PM19:00

Non-Dominion & Non-Violent Parenting

Church Office

Are you committed to raising your child, in love? Most parents quickly say “Yes!” But what does it mean to raise a child in love? In earlier dispensations, this meant maintaining parental power and control through the use of fear tactics such as shame or physical pain. Today, it is abundantly clear that such “parenting” results in trauma—for children and parents. In this offering we will explore parenting dynamics and strategies grounded in theological and developmental thought that is intentionally non-dominion and non-violent. We will then brainstorm, as a group, the complexity and goodness of love as our guiding light.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Catechesis Retreat
to Nov 3

Catechesis Retreat

Please note: this content will also be offered as weekly class, Thursdays during Lent 2025.

Catechesis is an old word that refers to an ancient idea: being shaped by religious instruction. Our hope for this retreat is to encourage a non-violent and non-dominion Christianity that’s capable of grounding us, inspiring us, and leading us more deeply into lives that flourish. The content is intentionally accessible for both teenagers and adults.

For this retreat format, we’ll get away to a beach house at the coast for a weekend of rich content, deep conversations and space for growing deeper relationships at Pearl. Each session will cover relevant content and engaging practices that help to give Christian shape to our lives:

  • Living the Bible, Inspiration 

  • Living Incarnation, Union

  • Living Atonement, Repair

  • Living Resurrection, Wholeness

  • Living the Trinity, Community

  • Living the Way, Practices

Cost for the weekend will be determined based on the number of people who attend as we'll be splitting the cost of the beach house, but we estimate about $150. (Final price will be confirmed with registered attendees.) Youth between 15-18 will have a $50 discount.

A $50 deposit per registration is required; this amount is refundable until three weeks before the retreat, October 11. Cancellations later than one week before the retreat, October 25, will incur the full retreat price unless we are able to fill your spot.

You’re warmly invited to join us for this Catechesis Retreat. Have questions? Please contact Pastor Ben.

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Becoming a Political Bridge Builder
11:45 AM11:45

Becoming a Political Bridge Builder

Meets in the Church Office after second service.

Are you frustrated with political polarization and its impact on you and your relationships? Are you nervous about navigating life if “your side” doesn’t win? Join us as we ground ourselves for the upcoming election, explore what it means to build bridges across political differences, and set intentions for how we want to navigate what’s ahead – regardless of what side wins. This workshop will be co-facilitated by Abby Coppock and Gary Conachan.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Reconstructing Christian Faith Class
7:00 PM19:00

Reconstructing Christian Faith Class

Thursdays throughout October and November (10/17-11/21), 7-8:30pm
Many people who find themselves at Pearl have either begun or are in the process of deconstructing harmful, Christian faith. Yet, what is good Christian faith? To help thoughtfully answer this important question, you’re warmly invited to participate in this six-session class. To ensure there’s space for dialogue, we’re capping this class at eight people.

To ask questions, please email Pastor Mike. By way of content, here are the topics we’ll cover:

  • Week One, Thursday, October 17, Gospel as Good News

  • Week Two, Thursday, October 24, Bible, Part I: Formation, Accommodation, & Inspiration

  • Week Three, Thursday, October 31 Bible, Part II: Books, Sections, & Trajectory

  • Week Four, Thursday, November 7, Salvation & Atonement

  • Week Five, Thursday, November 14, The Afterlife

  • Week Six, Thursday, November 21, Being Christian

Please note: if these dates do not work for you or the class becomes full, this content will also be offered as a weekend retreat, February 7-9, 2025.

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Educational Evening: Meditating on Five Glorious Mysteries
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: Meditating on Five Glorious Mysteries

Church Office
In the midst of a politically charged season, it can be all too easy to abide in worry, anxiety, and angst. Yet, practices exist that can help to lift our gaze toward an elevated vision of a City of Light that is so filled with love that our concerns are eclipsed by sincere hope. With this in mind, a set of ancient Christian meditations called "The Glorious Mysteries” exist, which are capable of encouraging us to expect the subversion of power that ostracizes and harms. However, more than subversion, these meditations invite us to imagine a world so spirit-filled that the “other,” whoever that may be, is cherished and freed to help make all things new. You are warmly invited to join us as we spend an evening sitting with five ancient meditations and allow them to have their hopeful way in our hearts and minds.

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Book Discussion: Braving the Wilderness
11:45 AM11:45

Book Discussion: Braving the Wilderness

After Second Service, in the Church Office
As we enter into a season of political agitation and angst, we want to invite you into a conversation that encourages belonging in our communities, organizations, and culture. In this book, Brown offers us the clarity and courage that we need to find our way back to ourselves and to each other. Co-facilitated by Patti Widener and Pastor Mike.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

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Book Discussion: Crossing the Unknown Sea
11:00 AM11:00

Book Discussion: Crossing the Unknown Sea

Summertime often provides opportunity to slow down and reflect on our lives. In this spirit, you’re invited to read and discuss David Whyte’s book, Crossing the Unknown Sea, Work as a Pilgrimage of Identity. For many, work can be a place where we struggle to be present or to be our honest, engaging selves. It is precisely this kind of disengagement that can be so damaging to our souls. To combat this soul-damage, this book encourages a wise exploration of our work as a means to find and free our truest selves. Interested or have questions? Please contact Mike

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Education  Night
7:00 PM19:00

Education Night

Cheri & Dan Gilbert’s Home in NE Portland
contact Mike with questions or to RSVP

Our Educational Evenings are offered quarterly as opportunities for our community to deepen into content that is theological, biblical, or practical over the course of 90 minutes. Refreshments are provided and everyone is invited to hang out afterward for conversation and connection. 

Depolarizing Ourselves
For people of faith, civil discourse begins when we are able to recognize the Divine in the political “other.” Seeing others through Divine Love challenges us to navigate our differences with mutual respect for one another. It’s mutual respect, not agreement, that is an essential key for healthy dialogue and connection. This workshop will help us reflect on how we ourselves may inadvertently be complicit in, or possibly even encourage, polarization. Led by Gary Conachan.

Reconciling Atonement
In the year 2024, many Christians are wondering how to make meaning of Jesus’ barbaric and unjust death on a cross as longstanding explanations for its meaning make less and less sense. In this workshop we’ll begin by overviewing the church’s wrestlings with atonement. We’ll then consider contemporary attempts at making meaning for an ancient crucifixion. Finally, we’ll conclude by considering how contemporary meaning for an ancient crucifixion is capable of much goodness, today. Led by Mike Roth.

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Movie Viewing & Discussion
5:30 PM17:30

Movie Viewing & Discussion

Viewing & Discussion on Christian Feasts & Cinematic Motifs
Sunday, May 19, 6-9pm, The Eliot Tower

In May, we’re offering a sermon series that aims to celebrate the feasts of Ascension Sunday and Pentecost through film that illuminates the eternality of love (Big Night, co-directed by Campbell Scott and Stanley Tucci) and the goodness of inspiration (Amelie, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet). As a way to deepen into this celebration you are invited to view Big Night before arriving. We’ll begin with discussion on that film. We’ll then watch Amelie and discuss it afterward. Snack food and drinks provided. Show up between 5:30 and 6. We’ll begin at 6 sharp. Facilitated by Brett Fischer and Mike Roth. Space limited. Please RSVP to reserve your spot and to receive directions.

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Book Discussion: The House of Belonging
12:00 PM12:00

Book Discussion: The House of Belonging

The House of Belonging, by David Whyte
Church Office

As we enjoy the animation of life in spring, you’re invited to pause and ponder some of the ways that we experience a sense of home, here on earth. Whether you’re new to David Whyte or have read him for a long time, this book contains some of his most beloved poems, such as The Truelove, The Journey, and Sweet Darkness. Taken together, the collection illuminates the myriad ways we belong to others, to ourselves, and to the world. Questions? Contact Mike.

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Book Discussion: Dusk, Night, Dawn, by Anne Lamott
11:00 AM11:00

Book Discussion: Dusk, Night, Dawn, by Anne Lamott

This book explores the tough questions that many of us grapple with. How can we recapture the confidence we once had as we stumble through the dark times that seem increasingly bleak? As bad news piles up—from climate crises to daily assaults on civility—how can we cope? Where, she asks, “Do we start to get our world and joy and hope and our faith in life itself back...with our sore feet, hearing loss, stiff fingers, poor digestion, stunned minds, broken hearts?" We begin, Lamott says, by accepting our flaws and embracing our humanity. Drawing from her own experiences, this book shows us the intimate and human ways we can adopt to move through life’s dark places and toward the light of hope that still burns ahead for all of us.

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Catechesis Class
7:00 PM19:00

Catechesis Class

Wednesdays throughout Lent, 7-8:30pm

Catechesis is an old word that refers to an ancient idea: being shaped by religious instruction. Our hope for this class is to provide non-violent and non-dominion Christian instruction that’s accessible for both teenagers and adults. Furthermore, our hope for this class is to encourage a Christianity that’s capable of grounding us, inspiring us, and leading us more deeply into lives that flourish. Each class will cover relevant content and engaging practices that help to give Christian shape to our lives:

  • 2/21, Living the Bible, Inspiration 

  • 2/28, Living Incarnation, Union

  • 3/6, Living Atonement, Repair

  • 3/13, Living Resurrection, Wholeness

  • 3/20, Living Trinity, Community

  • 3/27, Living the Way, Practices

Lent is a church season during which we’re invited to slow, to simplify, and to deepen. You’re warmly invited to join us for Catechesis During Lent. Interested, have questions, or want to RSVP? Please contact Pastor Ben.

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Reconstructing Christian Faith Retreat (RETREAT IS FULL)
to Feb 4

Reconstructing Christian Faith Retreat (RETREAT IS FULL)

This retreat is now full. If you’re interested in this content, we will be offering it again as a class in Fall 2024, and as a retreat again in early 2025.

Many people who find themselves at Pearl have either begun or are in the process of deconstructing harmful Christian faith. Yet, what is good Christian faith? To help thoughtfully answer this important question, you’re warmly invited to participate in a special weekend at the coast, filled with meaningful content and community engagement. To ensure that there’s space for dialogue, we’re capping this offering at eight people. Please RSVP with Pastor Mike no later than January 7 so that we can reserve an appropriate house based on sign ups.

By way of content, here are the topics we’ll cover:

  • Session One, Gospel as Good News

  • Session Two, Bible, Part I: Formation, Accommodation, & Inspiration

  • Session Three, Bible, Part II: Books, Section, & Trajectory

  • Session Four, Salvation & Atonement

  • Session Five, The Afterlife

  • Session Six, Being Christian

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A New Year’s Evening of Education
7:00 PM19:00

A New Year’s Evening of Education

Meeting at the Gilbert’s home in NE Portland

The New Year is a season during which many of us take time to rethink life rhythms and commit to new and healthier habits. With this in mind, our New Year’s Evening of Education will offer two workshops that intend to encourage fiscal health and thoughtful engagement with the Bible. Following the workshops, we’ll gather over snacks and drinks to connect. Questions? Contact Mike. Planning to attend? RSVP with Mike for directions.

Do's and Don'ts of Personal Finance

It’s a new year and that can mean new resolutions, including getting your finances in order! Dan Gilbert—Pearl’s Treasurer and a Certified Public Accountant—has lived and breathed everything finance for over 40 years. At this workshop Dan will discuss the Do's and Don'ts of personal finances by covering a lot of ground in a short amount of time. The plan is to discuss a broad swath of content, spanning biblical attitudes toward money to practical ways to save and invest. Come to learn and get your most pressing money questions answered.

Thoughtful Engagement with the Bible

During the New Year many of us commit to reading the Bible. However, this commitment quickly becomes problematic as we encounter passages that are violent, or bigoted, or in contradiction with today’s scientific and historical findings. This workshop will begin by exploring the Bible’s formation to establish an ancient interpretational lens that encourages the use of reason. It will then provide an overview of the books in the Bible to help us better understand their content and relationship to one another. Finally, it will trace the biblical story that encourages a perspective of trajectory toward ever-increasing love.

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Book Discussion: Atomic Habits
11:00 AM11:00

Book Discussion: Atomic Habits

The New Year is a season during which many of us take time to rethink life rhythms and commit to new and healthier habits. With this in mind, our next Book Discussion will consider James Clear’s Atomic Habits. Clear—one of the world's leading experts on habit formation—reveals practical strategies that will teach you how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. Questions? Contact Mike.

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Book Discussion: Gilead
11:00 AM11:00

Book Discussion: Gilead

Join us for our next book discussion as we read Marilynne Robinson’s acclaimed novel Gilead. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Critics Circle Award, Gilead is a hymn of praise and lamentation to the God-haunted existence that Reverend Ames loves passionately, and from which he will soon part. In 1956, toward the end of Reverend John Ames's life, he begins a letter to his young son, an account of himself and his forebears. As we read his letter, we encounter mystery, loss, beauty, heartbreak and love, and throughout the pervasive presence of Divine Love. Whether or not you have time to read the book or listen to the audiobook, you’re warmly invited to join in this discussion. Questions? Contact Pastor Ben.

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Spitballing Christian Words & Theologies
7:00 PM19:00

Spitballing Christian Words & Theologies

Pearl offers many classes throughout the year filled with content. But there’s something to be said about an organic conversation in which any direction can be taken. At this unique offering, we’ll begin by setting a framework through which we can think about and discuss Christian ideas. Then, we’ll open the time for discussion and see where it goes. A few Christian words and theologies that could be discussed—just to get you thinking—are the Bible, heaven, the devil, atonement, faith, etc.

Questions? Contact Mike Roth.

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Reconstructing Christian Faith - CLASS FULL
7:00 PM19:00

Reconstructing Christian Faith - CLASS FULL

Please note: This class is now full. Please consider attending the weekend retreat version of this class, which will be offered February 2-4 on the Oregon Coast!

Wednesdays throughout October and November (10/4-11/8), 7-8:30pm
Many people who find themselves at Pearl have either begun or are in the process of deconstructing harmful, Christian faith. Yet, what is good Christian faith? To help thoughtfully answer this important question, you’re warmly invited to participate in this six-session class. To ensure there’s space for dialogue, we’re capping this class at eight people. To ask questions or to RSVP, please email Pastor Mike. By way of content, here are the topics we’ll cover:

  • Week One, Wednesday, October 4, Gospel as Good News

  • Week Two, Wednesday, October 11, Bible, Part I: Formation, Accommodation, & Inspiration

  • Week Three, Wednesday, October 18, Bible, Part II: Books, Sections, & Trajectory

  • Week Four, Wednesday, October 25, Salvation & Atonement

  • Week Five, Wednesday, November 1, The Afterlife

  • Week Six, Wednesday, November 8, Being Christian

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Book Discussion: No Death, No Fear
11:00 AM11:00

Book Discussion: No Death, No Fear

A rare combination of mystic, scholar, and activist, Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the most beloved Buddhist teachers in the west. In No Death, No Fear, Hanh explores life through the perspective of complexity rather than dualism and by doing so nurtures peace in the midst of pain, sorrow, and death. You’re warmly invited to participate in discussing this book as well as its connections to the way of Jesus.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Educational Evening: "The Evolution of Satan"
7:00 PM19:00

Educational Evening: "The Evolution of Satan"

Church Office

The Devil—who is called by many names in scripture and culture— takes on many forms and holds many roles within Christian perspective. But who is the devil? What does the devil do? And, where did the devil come from? This class will pay particular attention to the evolution of the devil in christian consciousness. It will also consider the contextual situation from which ideology about the devil rose. Finally, this class will consider the rhetorical function of the devil, pondering its value and role in christian life, today. Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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