Filtering by: Connecting
Easter Choir Rehearsals
11:45 AM11:45

Easter Choir Rehearsals

Do you enjoy singing? Come lend your voice in our Easter Choir. No audition necessary. All are welcome to join. Rehearsals will be held April 6 and April 13 from 11:45 - 1:00. Attendance at both rehearsals is strongly encouraged; attendance at one rehearsal is required. The choir will be singing on Sunday morning, April 20th at both the 9:00am and 10:30am Easter Services. To sign up, please contact Brian Cheney at

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Poetry Night
7:00 PM19:00

Poetry Night

Beth Fry’s Home, NE Portland

Join us for an evening of getting to know one another better through our favorite poems. Everyone is invited to bring a beloved short poem or two (song lyrics and short, beautiful prose excerpts are welcome as well), to share their poem and to explain why it is meaningful to them. We’ll share as many poems as we can, and have a little time for discussion of each poem, as well. Drinks and light snacks provided.

If you’re interested in joining, please RSVP to get the address. Space will be limited to 12 participants.

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Easter Choir Rehearsals
11:45 AM11:45

Easter Choir Rehearsals

Do you enjoy singing? Come lend your voice in our Easter Choir. No audition necessary. All are welcome to join. Rehearsals will be held April 6 and April 13 from 11:45 - 1:00. Attendance at both rehearsals is strongly encouraged; attendance at one rehearsal is required. The choir will be singing on Sunday morning, April 20th at both the 9:00am and 10:30am Easter Services. To sign up, please contact Brian Cheney at

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our April meeting, please RSVP.

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Membership Class
11:45 AM11:45

Membership Class

Membership is for those who appreciate Pearl’s work and desire to more deeply participate. The purpose of membership is to encourage an active engagement between Pearl Church and those who call Pearl “Home.” Membership benefits include an Annual Members’ Meeting, Monthly Updates from the Oversight Team, and intentional engagement regarding the direction of the church. Whether or not you’re interested in membership, the Membership Class is an opportunity to meet with a pastor to hear all about the ins and outs of Pearl Church. Ever wonder about Pearl’s story? Curious about our values? Interested in learning about our dreams for the future? Consider attending the upcoming Membership Class to hear more and to ask any questions that you may have.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our May meeting, please RSVP.

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LGBTQIA+ Connect: Stories Night
7:30 PM19:30

LGBTQIA+ Connect: Stories Night

All our Pearl LGBTQIA+ community is invited to this evening of sharing stories and getting to know each other! We’ll be meeting at Steeplejack Brewing on NE Broadway, and Pearl member Gary Conachan will help facilitate us as we share stories from our lives, using prompts from the popular Moth podcast—funny moments, meaningful experiences—as a way to connect more deeply as a community. If you are newer at Pearl, you are warmly encouraged to join.

Please RSVP if you plan to join us!

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our March meeting, please RSVP.

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Church Potluck: Feast of Family Favorites!
11:00 AM11:00

Church Potluck: Feast of Family Favorites!

One service at 10:00am, potluck to follow

In the dark, cold days of winter, it’s time for another popular Pearl potluck! Join us on Sunday, March 2 following the service for a Pre-Lent ‘Feast of Family Favorites.’ Consider sharing that chili your grandpa always made, pick up mom‘s favorite salad from the deli, bring the cookies your aunt brought to every family reunion, or contribute any other food that represents good family memories to you. The opportunity to sign up will be coming soon.

Questions? Contact Beth Fry.

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Pie Bake Off (POSTPONED)
7:00 PM19:00

Pie Bake Off (POSTPONED)

This event is postponed—we will reschedule in the spring!

Ecotrust, Church Office

Calling all Pearl Bakers—and everyone who enjoys pies of all kinds—join us for our Pie Bake Off! What’s better than pie with friends on a cold winter night? This will be a fun evening of community and friendly rivalry. Everyone who wants to enter can bring along a home-made pie, sweet or savory. After getting a chance to sample, we’ll vote for our favorites and see whose pies triumph!

Whether you plan to bake or just eat, please RSVP below.

Pie Bake-off Rules:

  • To enter the bake-off, pies must be made by you, not store-bought. (Store-bought crust or components are okay, but you have to bring it all together!)

  • Pies may be sweet (fruit, cream-based, meringues, custards) or savory (meat or vegetable).

  • We’ll be loose on the definition of “pie” but there must be some kind of pastry shell/case with some kind of filling! (Tarts, hand pies, one or two crusts—all are welcome!)

  • You can enter one pie in each category (sweet or savory).

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Welcoming Newcomers
10:00 AM10:00

Welcoming Newcomers

If you're new(er) to Pearl, you're invited to a casual reception following Sunday’s service where you'll have an opportunity to meet some of Pearl’s core members, ministry leaders, home group leaders, oversight team, and staff. We would love to meet and warmly welcome you to our Pearl community. You’re invited to pop in between our two services (starting about 10:00) for light refreshments and casual conversation.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our February meeting, please RSVP.

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LGBTQIA+ Connection: Trivia Night!
6:30 PM18:30

LGBTQIA+ Connection: Trivia Night!

All of our LGBTQIA+ community is invited for a fun evening of getting to know each other as we play a game of trivia! We’ll split into teams and see who knows the most useless (useful?) facts! Pub-style snacks will be provided. You are welcome to bring a snack or beverages to share if you like.

We’ll gather at Tyler Pace and Connor McCroskey’s home in Vancouver. RSVP to get the address!

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Membership Class
11:45 AM11:45

Membership Class

Membership is for those who appreciate Pearl’s work and desire to more deeply participate. The purpose of membership is to encourage an active engagement between Pearl Church and those who call Pearl “Home.” Membership benefits include an Annual Members’ Meeting, Monthly Updates from the Oversight Team, and intentional engagement regarding the direction of the church. Whether or not you’re interested in membership, the Membership Class is an opportunity to meet with a pastor to hear all about the ins and outs of Pearl Church. Ever wonder about Pearl’s story? Curious about our values? Interested in learning about our dreams for the future? Consider attending the upcoming Membership Class to hear more and to ask any questions that you may have.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our January meeting, please RSVP.

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Christmas Eve Services
5:00 PM17:00

Christmas Eve Services

Two Services: 5:00 & 6:30pm

Everyone is invited to join in the celebration on Christmas Eve! We’ll sing Christmas songs and read Christmas stories and listen to a Christmas homily about Divine Light shining in the darkness. We’ll even light Christmas candles as a reminder that light truly does cast out all that is dark. Consider inviting family and friends to this special service. Please note: both services will be identical. The only difference is that the 5pm service will be the only service with toddler, preschool, and elementary offerings.

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Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal
11:45 AM11:45

Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal

Do you enjoy singing? Come lend your voice in our Christmas Eve Choir. No audition necessary. All are welcome to join. Rehearsals will be held Dec 15 and Dec 22 from 11:45 - 1:00. Attendance at both rehearsals is strongly encouraged; attendance at one rehearsal is required. The choir will be singing on Tuesday Evening, December 24 at both the 5:00pm and 6:30pm Christmas Eve Services. To sign up, please contact Brian Cheney at

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Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal
11:45 AM11:45

Christmas Eve Choir Rehearsal

Do you enjoy singing? Come lend your voice in our Christmas Eve Choir. No audition necessary. All are welcome to join. Rehearsals will be held Dec 15 and Dec 22 from 11:45 - 1:00. Attendance at both rehearsals is strongly encouraged; attendance at one rehearsal is required. The choir will be singing on Tuesday Evening, December 24 at both the 5:00pm and 6:30pm Christmas Eve Services. To sign up, please contact Brian Cheney at

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our December meeting, please RSVP.

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Advent Brunch Potluck & One Service
10:00 AM10:00

Advent Brunch Potluck & One Service

Join us on December 8, the Second Sunday of Advent, for our next all-church potluck! The theme this time is everyone’s favorite—BRUNCH! We will have one church service at 10:00am, all together. (Kids and youth will start the service in their programs to make more room to seat all our adults.) Then, following the service we’ll flip the room for our potluck! Everyone is welcome to join us and encouraged to bring a dish to share. You can sign up in the church lobby after services, or you can email to let us know you’re planning to join and what you'd like to bring.

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Membership Class
11:45 AM11:45

Membership Class

Membership is for those who appreciate Pearl’s work and desire to more deeply participate. The purpose of membership is to encourage an active engagement between Pearl Church and those who call Pearl “Home.” Membership benefits include an Annual Members’ Meeting, Monthly Updates from the Oversight Team, and intentional engagement regarding the direction of the church. Whether or not you’re interested in membership, the Membership Class is an opportunity to meet with a pastor to hear all about the ins and outs of Pearl Church. Ever wonder about Pearl’s story? Curious about our values? Interested in learning about our dreams for the future? Consider attending the upcoming Membership Class to hear more and to ask any questions that you may have.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Political Bridge Building: Preparing for the Holidays
9:00 AM09:00

Political Bridge Building: Preparing for the Holidays

Church Office, during first service

Dreading conversational awkwardness with family as a result of the election? You're not alone! Join Abby Coppock for camaraderie and creative inspiration as we generate some practical ideas and explore these questions together:

  • How have the election results impacted your heart and mind about being a political bridge builder?

  • How would you characterize the current state of your relationships and how might that inform your next step? (hint: building relational trust around non-political topics might be where you're at)

  • What are some good questions to ask around the dinner table that range from safe bets, to being vulnerable ourselves, to staying curious about their views and experience? 

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our November meeting, please RSVP.

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Whiskey Tasting Night
7:00 PM19:00

Whiskey Tasting Night

Come join others at Pearl for an evening of conversation, connection and whiskey tasting! Dan and Cheri Gilbert are opening their home and sharing whiskeys and their knowledge about the history and varieties of whiskeys. You are encouraged to bring a bottle of your favorite Bourbon, Scotch Irish or blended whiskey to share tastes, if you like (you’ll take home your bottle at the end of the night); you also can simply show up! Dan and Cheri will provide nibbles to go with the whiskey. This event will be limited to 16 people; please sign up to get the address.

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Contemplative Prayer Night (CANCELLED)
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night (CANCELLED)

Please note, this event is cancelled - please join us next month!

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our October meeting, please RSVP:

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Welcoming Newcomers
10:00 AM10:00

Welcoming Newcomers

If you're new(er) to Pearl, you're invited to a casual reception following Sunday’s service where you'll have an opportunity to meet some of Pearl’s core members, ministry leaders, home group leaders, oversight team, and staff. We would love to meet and warmly welcome you to our Pearl community. You’re invited to pop in between our two services (starting about 10:00) for light refreshments and casual conversation. Please RSVP with Pastor Ben.

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Hike @ Hoyt Arboretum
9:00 AM09:00

Hike @ Hoyt Arboretum

  • Hoyt Arboretum Vistor Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Lace up your hiking boots and join us on the trail! We’ll be exploring Portland’s beautiful Hoyt Arboretum, and hoping for some fall colors along the way. This section of Forest Park has a huge variety of landscape, from redwood forest stands to oaks, larches, pines and magnolias. The hike is easy-to-moderate, 1.8 miles (but there’s also plenty of trails to explore if you want to keep going!).

We will meet at the Hoyt Arboretum Visitor Center, where there is a parking lot (there is a fee for parking using the Parking Kitty app), and explore from there. You can learn more about the Arboretum at their website.

To get more information, contact Pastor Ben.

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Membership Class
11:45 AM11:45

Membership Class

Membership is for those who appreciate Pearl’s work and desire to more deeply participate. The purpose of membership is to encourage an active engagement between Pearl Church and those who call Pearl “Home.” Membership benefits include an Annual Members’ Meeting, Monthly Updates from the Oversight Team, and intentional engagement regarding the direction of the church. Whether or not you’re interested in membership, the Membership Class is an opportunity to meet with a pastor to hear all about the ins and outs of Pearl Church. Ever wonder about Pearl’s story? Curious about our values? Interested in learning about our dreams for the future? Consider attending the upcoming Membership Class to hear more and to ask any questions that you may have.

We are happy to arrange childcare for this event, with at least three day's notice. You can request childcare while registering.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike.

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Swift Watch at Chapman Elementary
6:00 PM18:00

Swift Watch at Chapman Elementary

Each September, Portland hosts the incredible migration of thousands of Vaux’s Swifts, who claim Chapman Elementary’s chimneys as their home for a few weeks. The nightly roosting is a marvelous sight! Come join others from Pearl as we spend an evening on the lawn at Chapman for Swift Watch.

Plan to bring low lawn chairs or a picnic blanket, and any snacks or non-alcoholic beverages. Well-behaved dogs on leash are welcome. Parking is a challenge so please plan on using public transportation if possible, or be prepared to walk a few blocks. Trimet buses #77 and #15 stop at NW Vaugh and 26th, a 5 min walk from the Chapman Elementary.

If you plan to join us, please sign up so we can send updates about where to meet!

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Contemplative Prayer Night
7:00 PM19:00

Contemplative Prayer Night

Please join us for this monthly opportunity to engage with the Christian contemplative tradition. We will engage in a variety of practices, including Lectio Divina, Ignatian meditation, and other guided mediations as a means of centering our hearts in Divine Love. If you are new to contemplation or mediation, you are very welcome to join us—we will provide an orientation to our practice.

We will meet at the Ecotrust building, in the Church Office, at 7:00pm.

If you plan to join us for our September meeting, please RSVP using the button below.

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