An Ethical Framework for Discernment

Rather than simply listing rules for ethical decisions, we believe that God intends us to discover goodness in our midst through discernment. By asking thoughtful questions in community, with our intention set to find what truly leads to human flourishing in our own lives and the lives of our neighbors, we can move increasingly toward goodness.


Our Collective Story

Our dream, that we imagine and desire, is the consummation of peace in a world integrated by love. The scriptures tell a story that begins with God placing two people in a garden and instructing them to multiply, to steward creation, and to cultivate the land. At the end of the story, the very end, these two have multiplied into a throng of humanity, and all of creation—which began in a garden—is cultivated into a heavenly kingdom marked by peace. It is a world in full bloom.

Our Personal Story

Each person has their own story that influences how they understand their place in the world and perceive their part in our collective story.

Principles (Statement/Question)

These six statements and questions are meant to holistically assess and discuss ethical issues; one statement and question cannot be isolated from the others.

  1. Life toward the divine community of peace is movement from chaos to creation.

    • Is “this” limiting or growing my capacity to cultivate goodness?

  2. Life toward the divine community of peace is movement from immediate perfection to ongoing transformation.

    • Is “this” limiting or growing my capacity to patiently hold space for the complexities of development?

  3. Life toward the divine community of peace is movement from covering to uncovering.

    • Is “this” limiting or growing my capacity to offer my true self in relationship?

  4. Life toward the divine community of peace is movement from consuming to self giving.

    • Is “this” limiting or growing my capacity to see and to respond to others?

  5. Life toward the divine community of peace is movement from estrangement to union.

    • Is “this” limiting or growing my capacity to dwell in harmony with God, self, and all of creation?

  6. Life toward the divine community of peace is movement from self sufficiency to community.

    • Is “this” limiting or growing my capacity to participate in relational interdependence?


Rules (rhythms/structures for ways of being that support growth) must be continually assessed so that they do not replace the important work of discerning “what is good.”