Lectio Divina

The Bible is different from other books—we are invited, through its pages, into a personal, daily relationship with God. The purpose of the Bible, ultimately, is not to give us facts, interesting stories or moral rules. Through every passage, God is inviting us to know him the way we know a good friend, the way we know how apple pie tastes and the way we know what salty sea air smells like. He invites us to experience his presence as we read.

The practice of reading the Bible meditatively—searching to experience the God we are reading about—was the main way of read- ing the Bible for the first 1,500 years of the church. Rather than attempting to plow through large chunks of text (which is something that can only happen once people become literate and have the text in their hands), Christians would listen to small portions of the Bible and hold onto a word, a phrase, a verse and mull over it throughout the week. The nugget of truth they found there would be, for them, an invitation into life with God each day.

Lectio Divina by bbarczi on Scribd