
Throughout its long history, the Christian community has pondered a set of mysteries drawn from the life of Jesus. Mystery—this word, in its ancient sense, points toward something hidden, a dawning awareness that unfolds only slowly through musing, reflection, pondering. In this sense, these Christian treasures—Incarnation, Atonement, Resurrection, Trinity—are not fixed dogmas with singular meaning. In this series we will explore how these evocative images continue to disclose new meaning today, illuminating our lives as we hold the story of Jesus in conversation with our evolving understanding of justice, goodness, and reality itself.

Divine At-One-Ment

This sermon series intends to ponder divinity. To be clear, the point of this series isn’t to boil divinity down to fifteen points, or one hundred points, or one thousand points – as if we can exhaust definition for the ineffable. Nor is this series an attempt at explaining God in systematic theology categories such as communicable and incommunicable attributes. That’s been done before and it’s often onerous, which ironically, doesn’t feel very divine. Instead, this series seeks to delight in pondering crazy, confusing, beautiful, and textured attempts at understanding and appreciating ultimate reality, by considering ancient stories and thoughts about God in the Hebrew scriptures and in the New Testament.