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The Stories We See: Coco

Pearl Church exists to express and share a Sacred Story. The first line of our story states, "In the beginning, God created…." Part of the Imago Dei (Image of God) that all humans bear is that we, too, create and create ways to express this Sacred Story, whether we creators acknowledge it or not. It is for us who know, who have eyes to see, to recognize the story in what is created.

Over the next few months, Krys and David Springer will host evenings were we watch popular, secular films and seek to uncover where the Story of God might have been hidden within. FYI, these are not "Christian films". These are Hollywood movies with all of the things that may come with those (language, violence, sex, etc).

The next film we will show is Coco, on October 28, starting at 5:00pm.

Questions? Contact Krys or David for directions.

Earlier Event: October 28
Book Discussion: Home Economics
Later Event: November 1
Contemplative Prayer Class