The season of Lent culminates in the remembrance of Jesus' death and burial in the tomb. As the story goes, Jesus lay dead in the tomb for an entire day in darkness, silence and solitude. This day between death and resurrection is important. It allows space for sorrow, loss, disappointment, and grief to be felt and validated.
On Good Friday this year Pearl Kids and Youth will have an opportunity to name sorrow, loss, disappointment and grief from the past year.
Pearl Kids will meet from 5:30-5:50pm, light candles together, name personal sorrows, blow out their candles and then listen to a story called The Hugging Tree.
Pearl Youth will meet from 6:00-6:30pm, light candles together, name personal sorrows, recite a short liturgy together, blow out candles and end with 5 minutes of breath prayer.
Contact Pastor Mindy for more details about these events